Tight Calves: What Can You Do?

With the European Inferno coming to a close this evening, there are bound to be some tight calves leaving Cardiff's National Indoor Athletics Centre. If that includes you, or you have chronic calf pain, here are a few things you can try:
August 09, 2015 — KITBOX [ ]

How to Create Your Own Mobility Kit

Whilst you'll probably be able to find all the mobility tools you'll need in the box, that isn't much use to you when you're at home. Creating your own mobility toolkit isn't expensive, and ensures you always have the equipment you need, when you need it. Here's what you'll need:
June 15, 2015 — KITBOX [ ]

3 Signs You're Not Mobile Enough

Mobility is one of the biggest crazes to hit the world of functional fitness, and it's easy to dismiss the hype as 'just another fad'. An effective mobility routine doesn't take much time, but it can dramatically improve your health and performance. Here are three signs you need to spend more time on your mobility:
May 25, 2015 — KITBOX [ ]