Working out how much to eat isn't straightforward. Calorie counting doesn't necessarily work and, even if it does, it's not easy to figure out exactly how much you need to eat to support you through training.

Conventional wisdom tells us it's good to eat less - especially if your training goal is fat loss. But this isn't always the case, and there are plenty of reasons you may need to eat more instead.

Here are some you might notice in the box.



Your WOD Performance Has Plateaued

If you're going to the box several times per week, and you're still not seeing any improvements, you need to look at what else is going on with your body.

Undereating is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to holding back your training. You need to eat enough food to fuel you through the sessions, and support your recovery.

This a common problem when people decide to switch to a Paleo diet. You're removing a lot of food from your diet and, if you don't replace it, you run the risk you won't be eating enough.

When this happens, your body doesn't get the nutrients it needs to make you faster and stronger. Thankfully, the solution is pretty straight forward. Eat more high quality food, and see if it makes a difference.


You Feel Tired All The Time

We've already talked about how overtraining can leave you feeling tired all the time - but it's not the only factor you need to consider.

If you're not getting enough food throughout the day, you're bound to feel drained. The effect will be multiplied if you're training regularly, too. You can't put your body through the mill in the box, and expect it to cope well without its main source of energy - FOOD!

Undereating leaves your body in a state of deprivation, and something's got to give. Make sure you're eating an appropriate amount of food for your activity levels. 


You Get DOMS More Than Your Training Buddies

DOMS are completely normal, and are usually a good sign you're doing something right. We all get them every now and again, especially due to the varied nature of our training.

We never know what's going to crop up in a week of WODs, so aches and pains are all part of the process. But when does this become a problem?

If your DOMS seem excessive compared to people doing the same type of training as you, it's time to take a look at how you're helping your body recover.

Eating enough food is key to this - as it's where your body gets the majority of its nutrients from. It isn't just about how much you're eating, but also WHAT you're eating. Make sure you're getting enough of each macronutrient - and a good balance of vitamins and minerals, too.

For even better results, combine the changes with some of the recovery suggestions in this article.


You're Not Losing Any Weight

If you're trying to shift some fat, and the scale isn't shifting, it might be because you're not eating enough.

This is a bit of a paradox. We'd expect to GAIN weight when we eat more, but chronic deprivation can really mess with your body.

It becomes even more damaging when you're training a lot. The deficit between what your body needs, and what your body is getting, becomes even bigger.

Losing weight is complex, and plenty of other factors could be at play. However, undereating can affect everything from your metabolism to hormones - so can't be ignored.

If you've been restricting your calories in a bid to lose weight, and it's not working, try slowing increasing them to see if it has any impact.


You're Always Hangry

Have you earned yourself a bit of a reputation in the box? If your training buddies throw food at you at the mere hint of a bad mood, you may have a problem!

The main symptom of hanger is irritability, which seems to disappear once you've eaten a decent meal. If this happens to you a lot, try to plan your food a little better - and make sure you're eating enough.

Your friends will thank you for it!


Can you relate to these? Any other signs we've missed?

June 24, 2016 — KITBOX [ ]

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