15.3 | muscle ups
15.3…… a genius bit of programming from Dave Castro – it will be great to see lots of people getting their first muscle up during this WOD.
From 15.2 we learnt that too much pre workout formula can be an bad thing and always have a glove on hand to lend the Fittest woman in the World! See how Joe, Josh, Darren and Pippa are going to tackle the WOD.
Kitbox (KB) - Hi guys, firstly how was 15.2 for you last week? Did you beat last year’s score?
Pippa Alford (PA) - I scored 127, and was disappointed not to get out of the third round. I really struggled with my overhead position so my OHS's felt like they were in slow motion! Chest to bar felt good though, until I ripped my hands! These open wods have been really tough on the hands so far. Thank goodness for my Jaw grips!
Josh Saville (JS) - It didn't go to plan .... I got 1 rep less than I did last year so pretty gutted with that. However the experience to have done the workout in America with Sam Briggs was great!
But the temperature was soring and I wasn't feeling 100% however I went off and did it... looking back I'd of done 3 sets on each of the reps e.g. on the 10s spilt it up to 4,3,3 and 12s 4,4,4. I'm definitely doing this again when I'm back and hopefully get what I wanted and into the 18s....
Although my score wasn't the best the experience top trumps that and will stay In my memory for a long while - lending her my glove mid wod was great, even if it did get covered in blood!
Joe Cowen (JC) - Absolutely buzzing from my score of 176 which is a 50 rep pr!! But if I wasn’t such a pre workout junkie I think I could have got a lot more (when I say a lot maybe 20 reps)…
I decided to go all out with my pre-workout and take a full loaded 2 scoops, this was after telling people pre-workout is not a good idea for this wod as it may blow my forearms up too much and its not even pump day!! (I did it on a Sunday)
After the round of 12s I started to feel my forearms go and from then on it sucked I even felt my quads go a little on the light overhead squats.
So if I was to do this work out in the future it’s no pre-workout for me!
KB – And so onto 15.3…. What did you think when you first saw the WOD?
Darren Freeman (DF) - As an affiliate owner I feel quite bad for the people who 100% cannot do Muscle ups. The scaled workout will be gassy as hell, but they'll get no reward from that. On the flip side I'm hoping to see people nail their 1st Muscle up!!! Personally I love this, Wallballs are a big strength of mine and with it being only 7 Muscle ups it won't leave me to far behind the rest of the field.
PA - I'm really excited about this wod. Starting with muscle ups is a real game changer, and a lot of people will spend 14 minutes trying to get 1 rep. I think in a way it's nice that CrossFit are putting such an emphasis on gymnastic movements, rather than just strength
JC - We see the open change again, it’s now starting with muscle ups for the first time ever … which is great news for people like me that love muscle ups in a workout.
JS - So 15.3... I'll be sadly doing this back home as I won't have time. However ill be back in the comfort of my own gym…. 7 muscle ups 50 wall balls 100 double unders… where do we start. I actually quite like the look of this workout apart from the wall balls ha!
KB – What is your plan of attack?
PA – I have been thinking about my strategy and think it's going to be gassy. Muscle ups I'll do in a set of four then three; wall balls, probably 20, 20, 10; and two sets of 50 on the double unders.
JC - My plan of attack for this wod it to just go mental! Wall balls for reps aren’t my greatest asset but its only 50 and it’s just time to close your eyes and suck it up. Maybe split them into 30 /20 but with minimal rest in-between. I will try to do all sets of muscle ups unbroken.
I’m going to use the double unders as my rest and break them 50 / 50. Double unders come easy to me so I need to use that to my advantage stick to a steady pace and recover my lungs from the wall balls.
DF - The workout for me is all about the Muscle ups, the prep is already done in your training leading up to this. Game plan wise, I think I'll set the ring slightly lower than normal so that when I change to singles I can stop the rings flying about. I'm not good at breaking Wallballs up, so will go for that set of 30 straight out the gate each round!!
JS - I'm going to be more tactical with this one. My aim is to try go unbroken with the muscles ups, as 7 shouldn't be a issue. Then, for me the dreaded wall balls… my nemesis. For some reason I hate this movement but going to try break it into small chunks with as little rest as possible. Then onto the double unders, which again break maybe into 2 segments.
KB – How do you think you’ll do?
JS - We all know this plan will probably go to pot nut we know for sure it's going to be gas tastic.
PA - I have no idea how many rounds I'll aim to get, but if I get into the third or fourth round, I expect it will be down to 10's on the wall balls and maybe sets of 25 on the du's. I think it will be important to judge how I feel on the day and just go with it!
KB – Any advice or tips?
JS - I may wear some gloves all I've been ripping recently on mu so maybe tape ur hands... However we know it's going to suck ... good luck
JC - My tip for anyone doing this workout is, ‘suck it up’. This is the workout where you need to go to a dark place and stay there, 50 reps isn’t a lot in terms of wall balls just get them done as quick as possible.
I think it is also wise to lay off the pre-workout for this one just so my grip doesn’t go again for the muscle ups.
KB – Final thoughts?
DF - Final thoughts... No missed reps on those Muscle ups and commit to every rep. The Wallballs and Double unders will elevate your heart rate through the roof... Stay focused.
PA - I'm looking forward to doing my wod at Sarum CrossFit, with the whole community around and enjoying the buzz of the opens.
JS - Like always have fun and leave it all on the dance floor!
KB - Thanks guys, good luck and we'll catch up next week.