Barry Mairs

How did you get into the sport?
I was sat in the office in work one day having a chat with a few good mates, and one of them asked if I'd tried this workout with thrusters and pull ups. I asked him, "What's a thruster?" - so we went into the work gym and he showed me.
42.5kg thrusters and pull ups for 21-15-9 reps? I thought easy! Proceeded to do the workout and 7:39 later, having nearly died, I asked, "when are we doing it again?!"
That was April 2011 - and I haven't looked back since!
What are your proudest achievements to date?
Placing 1st at the Rainhill Trials in 2015.
What are your goals for 2016?
Goals for 2016 is to place as high as possible in the Open!
What's your favourite WOD/movement?
Favourite movements: Burpees or bar muscle ups.
Favourite workout: MURPH.
What's your least favourite WOD/movement?
Handstand push ups, hate them.
What's the best piece of advice you have to give others?
Don't over complicate things or get stressed with workout. Keep your fitness simple and fun. Enjoy it.
Any competitions coming up this year?
Only thing I've got planned so far is the Open. I will hopefully enter a few in the summer, and towards the end of the year.
What are your gym kit essentials?
Bulldog Gear shorts and training t shirts.
SGF Skipping rope, hands down the best skipping rope on the market!
Inov8s on my feet for every workout that doesn't involve a close to maximum barbell.
Stance socks, simply the best sock around!