Outside the Box: August's WOD
Here's another quick WOD for you to try this month, provided by Neil Laverty from CrossFit 8020. Make the most of the weather before autumn hits - you'll definitely want to head Outside the Box for this one... All you need is a stopwatch, and a decent set of lungs!

For time:
100m sprint / 10 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 8 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 6 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 4 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 2 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 4 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 6 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 8 burpees,
Rest for 30 seconds,
100m sprint / 10 burpees.
For an extra challenge, why not find a big hill to sprint? Don't forget to share your scores in the comments & on social media. Enjoy!
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