Sarum CrossFit
This month's Box of the Month is CrossFit Sarum. Find out what coach, James Nicholls, had to say when we caught up with him:
Can you give me a brief history of the box?
We opened in July 2012 and were lucky enough to have boxing legend Barry McGuigan host the official opening. A few of us stayed up the day before for around 36 hours trying to get the place ready, emotional!
What made you decide to open the box?
I'd been involved in the sport since 2009, and was astonished by the positive effect it'd had on my life. I'd been a PT for 11 years and had never witnessed a regime have such results, physically or mentally but not only that but the power it has to bring people together. I felt Salisbury needed this, so set it upon myself to make this happen.
What makes Sarum so special?
Our emphasis has been to build a community of dedicated, supportive and like-minded people, and we've gone from strength to strength in both the competitive, social and fitness arenas. We offer a range of services to compliment the CrossFit philosophy and have just opened a second building to expand our services even further. Every year, to celebrate our anniversary, we organise events & give all the proceeds to local charities.
What have been the highlights since opening the box?
I think a big highlight for me was the first team competition Sarum entered as a community. It was held at Reading and we had 4 teams competing plus an amazing amount of support. For the majority of people it was their first experience of a competition and community spirit. I'm also always overwhelmed with the involvement we get with the opens and having the scaled option this year made even more inclusive for all our members. Finally, this year's highlight has to be getting finalists in the South Wilts Business of the Year Award, which I think reflects the attitude and dedication of all our staff and members.
What's your coaching philosophy?
We are passionate about the development of correct movement patterns and believe that a person should be able to move their own body correctly before adding load. We drill this right from the word go starting in our taster sessions.
We have saying that 'fast s*$t is still s*$t. We also believe in supporting each member in their individual goals whether it be moving better in their daily lives to keep up with the kids, to perform better in their chosen sport or to compete.
What are your members like?
Awesome! It's like going to work with your friends & lifting weights.
What does a typical day/class look like?
Our day kicks off at 6.30 with the first class of the day, these guys are hardcore. Then we run group sessions onwards from that throughout the day. We have open gym, PT and specialised classes running as well as nutrition groups. Our class structure ensures that the coaches have enough time coach properly and focus on technique. A usual class will start with a warm-up and mobility drill geared toward the main body of the class. We then move to a strength or skill element and finish with the WOD which will compliment the strength/ skill section for that day.
And Finally, What does the future hold for Sarum CrossFit?
We have an exciting future ahead. We've just opened a new facility directly opposite our current unit which allows us to offer more open gym and will be home to our rehab and injury prevention centre. It will also offer holistic services such as yoga and be the centre for our CrossFit Kidz programme which are looking to build upon this year.
We're now taking nominations for next month. Nominate your box here!
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