Due to popular demand.... OTB is back this Summer.

We are going back to the Peaks for a day of mountains, lifting, WODs and fun. Speak to anyone who has been on one of our adventures previously and they will tell you what a great day out it is, combining our love for CrossFit and transporting it up a mountain to provide a truly unique experience.

Originally inspired by Blair Morrison's ‘Anywherefit’, we love taking CrossFit outdoors; constantly looking for and experimenting with different ways of doing things to keep our training varied and fun, and  to keep our bodies guessing and progressing. CrossFit is about being ready for the unknown and the unknowable. There is a limit to how many ‘unknowns’ you can create within an internal gym space. Compare that to the unlimited ‘quirks’ that you find in the ever changing outdoors, and it is clear why CrossFit works and maybe thrives outside.

We look forward to bringing you another Outside The Box adventure this Summer and hope you can join us on Saturday 15th August. Watch this space for more details....

June 03, 2015 — KITBOX [ ]
Tags: Adventure

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