Welsh National Weightlifting Championships - it all comes down to 6 lifts
This week running up to the Welsh Championships has been really enjoyable.
It's the first time I have ever tapered into a competition and I am really feeling sharp. It has allowed me to focus on speed under the bar, hitting lifts consistently, and building confidence in the run up to the weekend. Consistency in the snatch is something I struggle with. I aim to achieve 70+kg in the snatch and 80+kg in the clean and jerk by the end of the year.
I need a 143kg total the qualify me for the British Championship. I've decided to open on 65kg (97%) on snatch , if I hit this first time I'm going to jump to 70kg. Snatch is the lift I rely on due to the fact I've been having serious problems with the efficiency on my jerk. The rules in weightlifting are very strict with the lock out of your arms, if there is any elbow movement, you won't be given the lift. You have three judges watching you, so there is no escape.
Last night was my last training session of my taper, only working to 65% on snatch & clean&jerk. Really tying to focus on sharpness & speed under the bar and with lock out on jerk.
The day before is a rest day!! I'm not allowed anywhere near a bar! I was on weight at the beginning of the week but became complacent and now, I am really panicking in the run up to tomorrow! Thankfully, today I woke up at 69.5kg which is great, but I will still need to monitor my intake over the next 24 hours. I will be eating mostly, high calorie, low mass foods, so chocolate is back on the menu!
As much as I'm looking forward to the competition, it's hard to believe it all comes down to 6 lifts. Months of blood, sweat and tears comes down to one day and making your lifts. Thankfully, I have a very supportive community around me and I know, whatever the outcome, they will be behind me all the way.

*Since writing this blog Penny went on to win a GOLD medal, narrowly missing out on qualification for the British Championships. Look out for more blog posts from Penny as she continues on her weightlifting journey